IST - Dec 30th, 8:30AM - SADDAM EXECUTED
Sunday, December 31, 2006

As per the international laws, all countries are soverign, so much so that they have the right to wage war and defend ownself. Some interpret this as right to attack. Iraq did it for political reasons, US did it for capitalist reasons. And when one says that a country is soverign, that means that the country head is answerable only to the countrymen. And that outside country cant come and shout about mis-management. There are hundreds of countries where this is happening, but unfortunately they are too miniscule for US' capitalist interests.
If I feel that one out of five people is actually ruling other four in a family and that he has killed a person in that family itself at some time, does it give me the right to pull that person out and hang him? To pull him out, ask him for justification, hear him and get him secluded okay, so that he is not a threat to society, but to hang him? To pass such a sentence in a country, the only body justified to do this is the judiciary of same country. For such a sentence to be passed inter nationally, there has to be a judicial body with such rights on top of all countries. But thats not possible coz of the soverign status.
When the american media is shouting about the celebration by people for Saddam's death, at the same time one can see the dismantled media in Iraq bringing stories about how people are suffocated with never ending 'rule' of US and its control on their resources. Many earlier felt that US will actually come and give them the resources which are rightfully theirs, something which is not really happening, as oil wells are the bone of contention for US.
And not to mention that this whole episode of Iraq wars was to show the world that there are WMDs with Iraq, which US never found. So is it justified to find charges against him and settle personal score? American president, who himself is charged with manipulation of election results, has pushed thousands of soldiers to Iraq without proper strategy, false WMD claims, all resulting in many a loss of life; so what punishment does he get? Next presidential election win?
posted by Jas @ 1:04 AM,
A sightless vision...
Friday, December 01, 2006
After having my dinner I usually go for a small walk (though a bandaged foot has broken that routine for a month now). One evening am just strolling back to my hostel and as I am about to cross the road towards it, the shouts on my left catch my attention. It's a group of three guys holding each other and getting ready to cross the road, all in giggles. It doesn't take much to register that these guys are blind and hence they are trying to have a consensus, as to when do they cross the road. There is a hostel for blind people nearby, hence I had an idea where these guys were headed to. I reach them to offer my help, only to realize that they have a consensus to run NOW to the other side, so I just follow them, getting a chance to hear their conversation.What I hear strikes me at heart.
They could not see images but they could judge the intensity of light so had based their judgement on that only. So the decision point for them was to cross when there was almost no intensity, along with sonic judgement of course. One of them lost the sight only few years back and he was bridging the two worlds connecting the two experiences for others understanding.

By then a car is on its way towards us, as it reaches few yards, my friends realize that some vehicle is coming towards based in increasing intensity. So they suddenly run for the road and so do I, car is really fast.
Had they not gauged it likewise, it would never had occurred to driver that its not the mistake of these guys that they aren't leaving the road, but he would have run over them, so typical of an average Delhi driver! Had he thought later about his mindless rash driving? or had he just not cared, again a behavior so typical of Delhites?!
I look at these bunch of guys and think of Darwin, only fittest survive, and go back on my hypothesis, the nature not just picks fit bodies but fit and agile minds too. That does explain how us human's thought process is so complex, isn't it?
posted by Jas @ 3:04 PM,