Darwin Rectified
Saturday, July 14, 2007
How many times have we read the Darwin's principle of survival of fittest and how many times have we seen it being proved right in front of our eyes? The change of homo sapiens, flying of Acheopteryx, humans losing the tail, bending of beaks for vultures and eagles... all justified fully by the revolutionary theory. So does it mean that it is THE theory? and no matter what, it and only it will guide the races?
Not if you take a closer look at human intervention. Last month i had a chance to talk to a person who worked at a 'chicken farm'. With such a huge demand for chicken meat, the process has been automated like many other things in European countries. With shortage of labor and high demand, it was only matter of time that humans would start farming of each and everything that they need. And meat was no different.
A normal chicken processing machine would need just 2-4 ppl to operate, one to catch the unsuspecting chicken and hang it upside down using clamps and rest of labor is required to just take out the frozen food and get it ready for logistics purpose. But no, this pun isn't that am talking about in this post. Its the challenge to the Darwin's theory that we are making.
Does it really matter that the species of these creatures which can fight the nature and hunter best should advance? Or that the most intelligent ones and most healthy ones go on to procreate? Think a bit! The production of majority of such 'edible' creatures is controlled by humans, so its not nature; its men who decide which one lives and which one doesn't. Which one is fitter and which one is not.
Effectively the definition of fittest will now be human prerogative. Large pig farms, cow farms, chicken farms etc for meat; then a list for medicines, for milk, for leather, for wool.... list is on. Just think, wont you want to eat a chicken which has more muscles, fuller in size, thick legs and breasts, and tender to eat? Ideally a broiler and not chicken? and how do u think such a thing would be fighting in nature?
So lets rectify the Darwin's theory!
Sources: Image source http://www.northernsun.com
Labels: Philosophy
posted by Jas @ 8:40 PM,