Microsoft to take on iPod with Zune?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

July 21, 2006 - the date Microsoft confirms that it is coming out with a family of devices and software to tap the presently Apple dominated music community, a high return and potential cash cow. Apple with its brilliance in integrating iPod and iTunes, is currently responsible for about 70% of the digital music market and 75% of the portable digital music player market.
And yes that ofcourse means that MS is launching a music device of its own. Instead of taking iPod by same features, MS is concentrating on giving features "which iPod doesn't" , which will be quite tough coz of tight integration of iPod, iTunes, podcasts etc. And MS knows it well, so its coming up with all that community stuff and sharing fundas.
But why will u just buy yet another music handheld? And that when the market has been grabbed strongly by Apple due to its almost complete connectivity (which players like Samsaung, Sony etc cant provide). But then dint people say same things when MS thought of sharing the gaming pie? XBox is a great hit, isnt it? Now what better can u think of than providing gamiung concept to your handhelds? Well thats exactly what MS is going to do, integrate the gaming experience in its music devices and enable it to interact with XBox 360.
Yet another feature thats being talked about to be built in Zune is that when its turned on to get feed from a WiFi connection, it will snatch as much feed as it can so that when user gets away from the range, the maximum playtime is enjoyed.
Heres the glimpse of the device u can get on net:

Now what the net community is wondering is that is this a teaser campaign for Zune? I must say, they aren't wondering without a weight :). Check the video here:-
posted by Jas @ 11:53 PM,
Delhi - the frustrated capital !
Friday, July 14, 2006
What is the fist difference that you observe between a Delhi crowd and a Mumbai’s? Especially if I say that see from a girl’s eyes? Answer would be that the difference is in the eyes only. The mumbaikar’s eyes scan while Delhite’s eyes lech.
Long known as the rape capital of India what I have always observed in the delhites is the frustration, atleast in the major portion of them. Commute in the local means and you will be quick to point that out. The private buses are the worse. Somewhere down the lane of history, the frustratiion has become the second skin of the people here.
Be it roads, be it shops be it railways, be it any phase of life, you will find them ready to shout and crib among the arguments on what the participants of the arguments can do, which of course never materialise as these arguments are just for sake of them.
Come to the atiitude towards the women, I have only one word to describe it – disgusting. Last week a friend of mine paid me a visit from Maharashtra in my college. Just as we were walking out of our campus, a black mid size car passes by and the guy flashes a finger to her. Her first brush up with the delhites was as true as people had told her, “Welcome to Delhi”, was all that I could sum up. The desires of flesh has pushed back civilization somewhere, and going by the fact that it’s the middle aged men over here who are the worst , one can judge it all.
Last year there was news of two well bred guys raping a swiss diplomat in her car as she was coming back from some chinese movie show. The streets of South Delhi were well lit at 10pm, but still it went fairly easy for the losers. Not to mention the diplomatic community was flabbergasted and ordered its staff to care for self. And we all know these incidents are not rare or even occasional.
Fortunately for me the suffocation may not last very long now, am left with just one more year of stay at Delhi; but alas! The problems of my friend are not yet over, she has to spend two more years over here. And I wonder how do I tell her that dear, Delhi is not just city of frustrated lot, but also of people adept in conmanship, eccentrism and duping. Let her laern the rules of jungle! Its Delhi after all, our beloved capital.
posted by Jas @ 5:00 PM,