Sunday, October 21, 2007

1.Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it.
Ever tried making rockets in your childhood? Well I did (had written about it in my post earlier). As it they say I blew it up, just that am not saying literally, but actually! Science learnt at the cost of a scar on left hand :)
2.What does your phone look like?
Looks what a typical Chennai guy's would! My own went cuckoo, iPhone hasn't come to India... so I got the spare one I had at home!
3.What is on the walls of your bedroom?
well well, they dont allow anything on walls of a guest house, do they? :D
4. What is your current desktop picture?
Well I like nice deep eyes, got a pic of a girl having it after I added some angel wings via Photoshop. Some time Monica Bellucci does come in for a while :)
5. Do you believe in gay marriage?
Just a question, why do they need a marriage! I thought they had some other needs! Well love comes in all forms as they say :)
6. What do you want more than anything right now?
I gotta admit, its a nice punjabi style squeezing jaadu ki jhappi! being away from home in festival time surely has an impact on one
7. What time were you born?
It was dark hour, unsuspecting world was asleep foolishly; parents were unaware of the wreck I was going to cause in this world and Devil was shouting "Eureka! Eureka!"
8. Are your parents still together?
Well, just one question from my side now! The person who prepared this question, is he/she really that dumb, or this is a special effort?
9. Last person who made you cry?
Wrong channel to talk about her
10. What is your favorite perfume/cologne ?
I have somehow started liking Chanel's Allure Sport. Liked Tommy Eau de Cologne also, though never bought one.
11. What kind of hair/eye color do you like in the opposite sex?
Hair - any color, eyes should have depth; they should speak the silent language I know
12. What are you listening to?
Gayatri Mantra chants coming from in some tent, the loudness of Dusshera celebrations and prayers have just started with "Allah hu Akbar" in background voice. (There is a mosque nearby) - That is Hyderabad!
13. Do you get scared of the dark?
No, until i see a true horror flick in loneliness :D ;but am angered at dark intentions.
14. Do you like pain killers?
Nopes, medicines aren't for me. Pain gets bearable only if endured.
15. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
LOL, yeah! Never indulged in these things :P Maybe should have!
16. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Mom's hand made food!
17. Who was the last person who made you mad?
My best friend's gf! Its a tough job for us guys I guess :D
19. Is someone in love with you?
Umm.. someone who trusts me and love me... I don't think so!
And I tag Pooja, La Membre avant-garde !!
Labels: Experiences
posted by Jas @ 3:35 PM,
- At October 23, 2007 4:25 PM, said...
Trust- the most abused word!
reference: pic flick! - At October 24, 2007 11:04 AM, Jas said...
never seen this pic, googled "quotations trust", got these:
* “The key is to get to know people and trust them to be who they are. Instead, we trust people to be who we want them to be- and when they're not, we cry.”
* “We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy”
* “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”
guess that says it all...
Moral: if my true love cant win your trust, backed by no lies from me and keeping all my promises... my love isn't strong enough and can never be until trust comes
Moral 2: Many times we r too busy blaming & dnt realize the pain we cause to others. Listening is the key while tantrums ruin it all.
Ideal: one promises not to fight, keeps it. I doing since aug. - At October 24, 2007 11:57 AM, said...
Nice blog, will be keeping up with it. your mark blog wasn't allowing to comment w/o subscription , so posted here.
- At October 24, 2007 1:21 PM, said...
Hey multi talento :D, quinty has give you this title aptly. Ab finance bhi chaat diya?! tum log kyu bachhon ko complex dete ho! :(
- At October 25, 2007 12:18 PM, Pilot-Pooja said...
well i will be quite true while answering all these questions to myself!!!! - At October 25, 2007 4:46 PM, Jas said...
Thanks Yulia and Kneeraw, such comments keep the fire burning!
Pooja u are tagged then, check ur blog's last comment :)