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Life's peekaboo

A bit old post, cudn't post earlier for loss of connectivity :)

I guess the first fortnight of a break off is the toughest. You are so much in habit of doing things related to your loved one, that suddenly the daily routine gets marred. The mobile suddenly becomes useless and a silent piece of junk, the small moments that you sneak in to call/msg/mail etc suddenly become void, and if you are madly in love then almost every next thing that reminded you of her makes you again and again forget and then remember that the relation that you have held so close to your existence is no longer there.

Its isnt that the pain is maximum in this period, which actually comes later on when the abscence starts irking more and more, its just that the mind just cant register the closure. So much so that some things suddenly make you jubliant with a thought of sharing it with her and only the next moment is able to make you realise the harsh presence.

But then as aptly said - time fills, and it duly fills these voids and make you realise the truth. Not to say that the compromise is reached or that pain is relieved, but we are able to accept.

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posted by Jas @ 8:08 PM,


At May 25, 2007 7:35 PM, Blogger stingsoc said...

what did we miss ?

a mystified Q :o


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