My New OS Theme
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Time for theme change, well my love for Macintosh is a no hidden fact, and hence my desire to have my lappie taste like a Mac

Based on Vista, its a blur-able option that gives me visuals for clock, mu net connection (can be set as LAN conn/ Wireless/ Bluetooth or Broadband one), Weather check (has two options for Delhi as place) and other regular goodies. Here, see the caps:
Pic 1:
The Shelf can be customed as Quic Launch, and based on the Genie Effect of Macintosh, we have Task palette where we see all our tasks in pic form and on hovering over them enlarges the pic of that task.

Pic 2: See the Menu's transparency effect !!

So here i go, with my brand new luk n feel desktop

posted by Jas @ 3:53 PM,
- At July 14, 2006 5:17 PM, Bruno said...
where I obtain this style for windows xp? I am of Brazil, do not know very English, am using google translate leg to postar in its home in brazil
- At July 14, 2006 5:21 PM, Bruno said...
my e-mail:
no have msn!
I'm analista de sistems of banco CEF nacional in Brazil.
what's yor name?
use your alse o google translate for teclar for me. of the english to portuguese. thankyou!