Yahoo and MSN IMs to communicate !!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
How many people are there who either prefer only MSN or Yahoo! IM (Instant Messenger) ?? Well it has been ages since i used anything remotely associated with MSN, just that Yahoo completed all my needs... as simple as that!! But then there were some friends of mine who chat only through MSN. What do u do then? Very Simple - u crib why these two cant inter communicate!
Now what if I tell u that they are gonna pretty soon? According to Leah, member - WLM (Windows Live Messenger) team it has been done succesfully and there have also been reports about the limit being 600 Y! contacts now (earlier it was 100). As quoted by Leah, "It’s been a long time since we announced the deal which would allow Windows Live Messenger people and Yahoo! Messenger peope to IM one another. The project was so top secret that many of us (myself included) found out the same day you did."
To read the blog entry of Leah Click Here
So is MS learning the earthly manners now? Is there an anti Google alliance in making? Lets see what time has in store in its womb

posted by Jas @ 12:57 PM,